Oral Surgery & Extractions
Due to the extensive training of our dentists and staff, we are proud to be able to perform many oral surgery procedures in our office, which include dental extractions. As a result of many hours spent in their respective post-dental school residencies, Doctors Stephen Moorkamp, and Charlie Arthur are extremely knowledgeable when it comes to surgical dental procedures and are held in high regard among the dental community. When it comes to oral surgery we will go to all measures to ensure your comfort, health, and happiness.
Our approach to oral surgery centers around our model of health-centered dentistry. When treating our patients, we take the whole person into regard, which means that when an issue with dental health arises, we investigate it extensively to determine the true source of the problem. We find this method of considering the wellness of the whole mouth much more effective than a disease management approach in establishing good long-term dental health. In the case a dental extraction is necessary, we will do everything we can to make you feel confident and comfortable with the procedure, and closely monitor your recovery. Equally important we would like to work with you to prevent the need for an extraction in the future, because comfortable, functional teeth are necessary to chew.
Providing You with Exceptional Dental Care
We are committed to providing you with exceptional dental care no matter what. While most oral surgery procedures can be performed within our office, we recognize that there are some cases in which the professional care of an oral surgeon is required. Usually, this is because there is a need that requires a higher level of expertise that is in the patient’s best interest, such as the treatment of an advanced infection or other complicated situation. In the case that we are unable to perform an oral surgery procedure, we will arrange for you to be seen by an oral surgeon whom we have worked with who will exercise the same level of care you can expect from us.
Dental Implants & Full Mouth Restorations
Procedures such as dental implants and full mouth restorations often require the professional care of multiple parties, including oral surgeons, periodontists, and the patient’s primary dental physician. During these cases, we work closely with the respective professionals to ensure the coordination, care, and comfort of our patients. By planning carefully for the procedure and closely monitoring the results after treatment, we are able to help our patients recover quickly and without complication. With our dentists and dental team beside you, your oral health is in good hands.
Schedule an Oral Health Consultation
If you live in the Rolla area and need oral surgery or a dental extraction, please contact our office to schedule an appointment. We will provide you with a thorough examination and oral health consultation to get you on the path towards optimal health and happiness.