Dr. Stephen Moorkamp and Dr. Charlie Arthur Complete Pankey Core Courses

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Dr. Stephen Moorkamp and Dr. Charlie Arthur Complete Pankey Core Courses

Dr. Stephen Moorkamp and Dr. Charlie Arthur returned to Rolla, Missouri after completing the Core Essentials Continuum at The Pankey Institute, the fourth of a four week continuum. This series of courses, each a week long,  provides motivated dentists with knowledge to solve complex oral health problems (missing and unsightly teeth, “bad” bites, etc)  and to restore and replace teeth to a natural-looking aesthetic appearance with predictable long term results.


The Pankey Institute is a unique nonprofit post Doctoral educational center for dentists established in 1969. The institute has one mission: “to improve the health and well-being of patients by helping dentists achieve professional excellence and fulfillment”.  Dr. William Moorkamp is also a graduate of the continuum in the 1990’s which changed the way patients have been cared in this practice since those years. (www.pankey.org) Through continuing education courses, The Pankey Institute assists dentists in developing their dental practices to reflect the following values:


*Each patient is an individual with unique needs, conditions, and desires. Optimal results are achieved through a collaborative partnership between the patient and the dental team


*Patients should be informed about the optimal oral health and esthetics available to them and about treatment options that will help them achieve long-lasting, predictable results.


*Patient should be guided in understanding their present dental needs, options for optimal aesthetics and function, and strategies for accomplishing their goals.


At Moorkamp and Arthur Family dentistry in Rolla, Missouri we feel optimal care means bringing you to a level of health, comfort, and appearance that is right for your needs, wants and values! It can lead to a beautiful, healthy mouth and a bite that fits correctly. It leads to dentistry that lasts. Our firm belief is that optimal Dental care is aesthetic, caring, collaborative, comprehensive, functional, healthy, individualized, and predictable.

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